So. A few years ago, I graduated from the University of the Arts. With a degree in Illustration. A move I wasn't sure of even when I was making it. Well; years later and hundreds of illustration projects later, I think a re-assessment of my judgement is in order.
Recently an invite was opened to all former illustration alumni to submit work to a faculty juried show. 5 submission enter, a couple may make it. And so on.
So, I turned in my 5 and lo and behold, actually managed to get 2 pieces accepted!
Here's one of them. It's an image I did for an Autumn Society show in reverence to DC comic's the Joker. It's a mash up of the Joker and Stephen King's Dark Tower ideas.
Title: Dork Tower.
11" x 26".
1 comment:
i never caught the Dark Tower reference! doubles as a great 'bats' shadow. i remember being surrounded by 50 joker pieces and you still brought a dominating and explosive composition and execution. it was just another one of those "goddang, Justin, of course" moments of greatness
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